  1. Project 1: Image Filtering and Hybrid Images
    1. Generating Gaussian Kernel
    2. My Image Filter
    3. Create Hybrid Image
    4. 注意事项
  2. Project 2: Local Feature Matching
    1. Harris Corner Detection
      1. 减小计算量
      2. 特点
    2. SIFT 算法
      1. Scale-space extrema detection
      2. Keypoint localization
        1. 舍弃低对比度的关键点
        2. 消除边缘响应
      3. Orientation assignment
      4. Keypoint descriptor
      5. Match
    3. 实验结果
  3. Project 3: Scene Recognition with Bag of Words
  4. Project 4:Scene Recognition with Deep Learning
    1. 数据处理
      1. get_fundamental_transforms()
      2. get_data_augmentation_transforms()
